Telling and Selling the Overpopulation Issue: Why Climate Change Gets So Much More Attention
Abstract: Search the literature; read the news; comb the mission statements and recommendations of various environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and it will become obvious how climate change
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An Open Letter To America’s Supreme Court Justices
June 17, 2019
On Ensuring A Complete Population Count In The 2020 U.S. Census. As you make your final decision on Department of Commerce v. New York which will set the guidelines for carrying out the 2020 U.S. Census, we appeal to you to follow the language of the U.S. Constitution.
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NPG Calls for Trump to Lower Legal Immigration Numbers as Part of Immigration Restructuring
May 23, 2019
Press Releases
Holds that 1 Million+ Legal Immigrants Annually is Too Many. Negative Population Growth, Inc. President Donald Mann noted he is pleased to see the White House put forth a plan to refashion America’s current immigration policies by calling for a “merit-based” immigration system
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NPG Forum Paper Highlights Imbalance Between Population Growth and Global Warming
May 21, 2019
Press Releases
Environment effects of population growth will be devastating for the planet. President Donald Mann, head of Negative Population Growth, Inc., (NPG) has announced the release of a new research paper that focuses on how the failure to rein-in population growth in the U.S. is greatly hampering progress on our nation’s efforts to end global warming.
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Global Warming: Has Complacency (Finally) Yielded to Panic?
The summer of 2018 was a moment when the ecological future became our present reality. A heatwave baked the entire Northern Hemisphere, killing dozens from Quebec to Japan. In Europe, nuclear power plants shut down because river water that cools their reactors was too warm. The most destructive wildfires in California’s history turned more than a million acres to ash, while a study in the journal PLOS Medicine projected a five-fold rise i
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April 11, 2019
During the month of April, this ad appeared in the The Washington Examiner, The Washington Times and E-The Environmental Magazine. Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications. EARTH DAY 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGE TO AMERICA THERE’S MORE TO WORRY ABOUT THAN CLIMATE CHANGE! While concerned citizens across the U.S. and around the world work hard to …
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NPG Forum Paper on a Sustainable Economy Holds True 20 Years Later
March 28, 2019
Press Releases
Cites Critical Need for Balanced Economic Growth and Population – Donald Mann, President of Negative Population Growth (NPG), wrote a significant position paper in 1999 that addressed the formidable problem of how mankind can create an optimal balance between economic growth and population in the 21st century
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An Essay on a Sustainable Economy (An NPG Position Paper)
We originally published this NPG Position Paper in 1999. We have published it again because we believe that the problems it addresses are still very much with us, and that our recommended solutions are as pertinent now as they were then.
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New NPG Report: The Rise in Feminism and Its Impact on Population Growth
March 21, 2019
Press Releases
Birthrates and Female Empowerment Tied Together – The release of a new Forum Paper from Negative Population Growth celebrates 2019’s Women’s History Month with a report on the link between women’s economic gains and America’s birthrate.
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Controlling Population in A Strong Economy: Is Feminism The Answer?
For most of human history population growth and economic growth have moved in tandem. As humans invented agriculture (several times over a period of centuries, according to some archeologists) they managed to produce more food than they could consume.
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