
The President’s Column: NPG Statement on Population

We believe that the optimum rate of population growth is negative.

We believe that the optimum rate of population growth for the United States (and for the world) is negative, until such time as the scale of economic activity – and its environmental effects – is reduced to a level that would be sustainable indefinitely. We are convinced that if present rates of population …

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Why We Need A Smaller U.S. Population And How We Can Achieve It (An NPG Position Paper)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version This paper was originally published in July 1992, some 22 years ago when our population was 256 million. In that short space of time our population, now 320 million, increased by 64 million, an astonishing 25% growth in a little over two decades, or roughly 30 million per decade. The problem is …

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New Census Bureau Projections: U.S. Population Will Add 97 Million by 2060

Download a printable PDF version here New Census Bureau Projections: U.S. Population Will Add 97 Million by 2060  Even with the death rate rising more than 20 percent by 2045, America will still add over 97 million people by 2060. The latest population projections by the Census Bureau show more bad news for Americans concerned with population growth: our nation …

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“Business-As-Usual” Population Projections Show a World of 12 Billion by 2100

Despite global media attention on the problem, there is still no acknowledgment of the clear solution:  widespread access to contraception, and smaller family sizes.
On October 27th, two biologists at Australia’s University of Adelaide shocked the global media with their article “Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems,”…

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An Essay on a Sustainable Economy (An NPG Position Paper)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version We originally published this NPG Position Paper in 1999. We have published it again because we believe that the problems it addresses are still very much with us, and that our recommended solutions are as pertinent now as they were then. Executive Summary Since NPG was founded over a quarter century ago …

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A No-Growth, Steady-State Economy Must Be Our Goal (An NPG Position Paper)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version   We originally published this NPG Position Paper in 2002. We have published it again because we believe that the problems it addresses are still very much with us, and that our recommended solutions are as pertinent now as they were then. Executive Summary Economic growth in a finite world, which is …

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The Awesome Power of Exponential Growth

Exponential growth is the steady growth of anything by a fixed percentage over a period of time.  Compound interest on a savings account is a good example of exponential growth.  The late Professor Albert A. Bartlett said “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.”  We fully agree. I often wonder if the …

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