Killing Our Land with Kindness: Why We Must Consider the Next Seven Generations By Making Better Decisions About Our Population Size
Most of the religions practiced in the US have a golden rule towards the duty to welcome the stranger, especially the downtrodden stranger. We are going to have to alter those narratives a bit so that we don’t become even more overpopulated and put additional pressure on our remaining wild spaces, national parks, and lands sacred within Indian country. We must look to other ways that we can help the stranger than admitting them entry to our already overpopulated country or assume the responsibility that we are killing our landscapes, and each other with kindness.
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Strictly Accountable: A Call for the Tough Love of Real Solutions
Dr. Shragg challenges the many environmentalists who are so “woke” that they fail to see the forest for the trees, as the old adage goes.
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Numbers, Noise, and Nonsense: We Must Stop Forcing Wildlife Off the Planet
We are forcing wildlife off our planet in three basic ways: with our growing numbers, with our noise, and with our nonsense, defined as a refusal to create policies which follow the logic and the need to scale down the human enterprise.
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The Verdict Is In: To Be Anti-Growth Is to Be Pro-Human
Abstract: Current accusations of injustice and racism against those who work to tame overpopulation and its detrimental effects on the environment, the economy and quality of life are unfounded.
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On the Wrong Track: Why the Endangered Species Act Isn’t Enough
I know many people who care deeply about wildlife. Thanks to their efforts, the Bald Eagle, the Peregrine Falcon, the Trumpeter Swan, the Brown Pelican and others have made impressive recoveries, but not without a lot of effort and expenditure. Their future is not secure, and the rates of extinctions are accelerating at a rapid pace.
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What more can be said about the oppression of overpopulation that I and my colleagues have not pontificated on for decades? Hopefully this cartoon I commissioned from artist Rah Lee of Singapore can help us to understand what forces have allowed us to become overpopulated in the first place.
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Telling and Selling the Overpopulation Issue: Why Climate Change Gets So Much More Attention
Abstract: Search the literature; read the news; comb the mission statements and recommendations of various environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and it will become obvious how climate change
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All are welcome and all are invited – especially those who care about leaving the world in better shape than we found it. Every problem is affected by this great exploiter. Overpopulation diminishes our resources, landscapes, water supply, and the ability of our climate to regulate itself. Our poor and disenfranchised are overwhelmed by this issue, as it swims in ridiculous taboos. …
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