Measles Makes a Comeback; Why We Should All Care
In 2024 there were 285 measles cases reported in the U.S., nearly a five-fold increase from the 59 cases in 2023, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Hotels Say They Can’t Find US-Born Workers; Statistics Show They Don’t Try Hard Enough
In this third and final entry to NPG’s special series on the various businesses that continue to profit from ongoing illegal immigration we examine the hospitality industry. Recent headlines reveal some serious problems:
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The High Cost of Cheap Immigration Detentions
Illegal immigration has increased dramatically since February 2021, bringing the current estimate of illegal immigrants in the US to an estimated 14-15 million.
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Immigration Will Drive U.S. Population Growth Throughout the 21st Century
The U.S. population is expected to reach a high of nearly 370 million in 2080 before edging down to 366 million in 2100, according to a Census report released in November. By 2100 the total resident population is expected to increase 9.7% from 2022, according to the middle (most likely) population scenario.
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US Immigrant Population is at a Record High: Ending Remain in Mexico is Only Making It Worse! (An NPG Commentary)
An analysis of the Census Bureau’s monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that the foreign-born population (legal and illegal) in the U.S. hit 47 million in April 2022 – a record high in American history.
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How Ukrainian Refugees Invaded the U.S. Southwest Border
The U.S. has always been a safe haven for individuals fleeing persecution in their home country. In recent years, however, asylum has become a mass movement, available to any alien claiming persecution on account of race,religion, sexual identity, nationality, or political opinion.
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Life Expectancy Drives U.S. and World Population Growth
Ironically, Johnson’s historical narrative starts at a moment in time when it seemed people would never “stop dying.” In September 1918, a flu virus began spreading through Camp Devon, a crowded military base outside Boston. By the end of the second week, one in five soldiers came down with the illness. But the real shock, as described in the camp physician’s notes, was its lethality: “It is only a matter of a few hours then until death comes,” he wrote. “It is horrible. One can stand it to see one, two or 20 men die, but to see these poor devils dropping like flies sort of gets on your nerves. We have been averaging about 100 deaths per day.”
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How Covid, Climate, and The Cartels Reshape U.S. Refugee Policy
The coronavirus pandemic has had far reaching consequences for the global economy, obliterating millions of jobs. And it has affected developing countries disproportionately, setting back decades of progress. So, it’s hardly surprising that agents at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021 have stopped people from more than 160 countries, a geography that roughly coincides with countries hard hit by the virus.
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The Global Gag Rule: A Lesson in Unintended Consequences
A deadly pandemic. Record unemployment amidst a collapsing economy. Illegal immigrants surging across the southwestern border. Racial fears and animosity tearing much of the country apart. Not since FDR have so many mega-crises confronted a new President on his inauguration day.
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Yale Researchers Debunk the Myth of 11 Million Illegal Immigrants
Call any journalist, lobbyist, activist, or reasonably well-informed citizen – in red state or blue – and ask: a. How many illegal immigrants live in the U.S.?, and b. What is the source of your number? Almost without exception he or she will answer a. 11 million, and b. The Pew Research Center.
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