
Save the Earth…Don’t Give Birth (NPG Booknote)

Save the Earth…Don’t Give Birth The story behind the simplest, yet trickiest, way to help save our endangered planet. by Jonathan Austen An NPG Booknote by Edwin Rubenstein “We humans are young, greedy, inexperienced killer primates. We have recklessly allowed our population and consumption to rise beyond the capacity of the Earth. The rise in human populations is the underlying cause …

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Population Threats to America’s Rivers, Estuaries, and Lakes

Their Health and Future in the Face of Ever-Rising Population Numbers. A look at a map that displays the full array of our nation’s major rivers makes very clear that they serve as “America’s lifelines.” From the smallest to the mightiest, they start in out-of-the-way corners of the land as small streams, gather volume, and rush past both small communities and

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1965 and All That: Federal Laws That Increase Population and Illegal Immigration

The U.S. has never had a formal population policy – has never tried to directly limit population growth or fertility rates. Any such policy would likely start with constraints on groups with the highest fertility rates: the poor, the poorly educated, minorities, and immigrants. The politics of such a move would be daunting. Charges of racism, elitism, and government meddling in a decision best left…

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Renewables to the Rescue? The Myths, The Reality, and Why a Smaller U.S. Population is Needed to Save the Planet

Can the U.S. economy run on renewable energy alone? That may seem like a fanciful question at a time when the incumbent President insists that climate change is a “hoax” and is determined to restore coal to its once preeminent role in the nation’s energy supply. But a few years back Mark Z. Jacobson, a prominent Stanford University professor of engineering, published a widely acclaimed article claiming that energy from the wind, the sun, and …

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The Impact of Immigrant Children on America’s Public Schools

All Students Lose in Overcrowded Classrooms Taught by Overworked Teachers. As a nation we have witnessed outrage after outrage during the past 15-20 years as our once-workable immigration system has fallen apart. Today’s headlines constantly carry reports on the ongoing problems related to the estimated 12 million+ illegal immigrants living in the United States. The list includes better protecting our nation’s southern border, soaring costs of billion dollar entitlement programs, increasing pressure to grant citizenship to undocumented residents…

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How Millennials Are Slowing U.S. Population Growth and Enhancing Sustainability

They are stressed out. Afraid to take risks. The cheapest generation of Americans, say some, preferring to rent rather than buy, share rather than own, and yet complete spendthrifts when it comes to procuring the latest and greatest cell phones, i-pads, and other digital technologies. They marry later, have less income, and fewer children, than prior generations did at similar stages of life. And, in late 2015, millennials passed Baby-Boomers …

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Resurgent Pro-Natalism in the Trump Administration

Historically, the primary determinant of U.S. population size has been fertility – a topic associated with some of the most polarizing issues in American politics, now particularly health care policy. While net foreign immigration will soon replace fertility as the primary source of U. S. growth, shockingly high fertility rates in major sending regions (such as Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia) are significant drivers of immigration. Therefore, to…

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