
Reforming Birthright Citizenship: A Must For U.S. Population Policy

Section 1, Clause 1 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution declares: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” Originally intended to protect the civil rights of freed slaves during the Reconstruction Era, the law has instead become a popular Constitutional loophole that is frequently exploited by the pro-amnesty and open-border immigration lobbies. In an effort to further their agenda of mass migration to and permanent legal settlement within the United States, these special interest groups are demanding that the U.S. adopt their interpretation of our nation’s 14th Amendment:…

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NPG Releases Position Paper on Birthright Citizenship

Analysis finds that current interpretation of 14th Amendment leads to massive chain migration, causing dangerous increases to U.S. population growth.
As the Trump Administration and 115th Congress continue to debate massive reforms to U.S. immigration policies, Negative Population Growth (NPG) has released a new Position paper today on the issue of birthright citizenship. NPG President Donald Mann notes: “Current application of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution grants automatic U.S. citizenship for every baby…

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In recent years, each new immigrant has sponsored an average of 3.45 additional immigrants.

This advertisement appears in the Washington Times on May 1, 2017. Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times. In recent years, each new immigrant has sponsored an average of 3.45 additional immigrants. And when their U.S.-born children were counted… each new immigrant admitted between 1972 and 1997 added 5.3 people to the U.S. …

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Formulating Immigration Policy in a Time of Reform: A Plan For The Compensated Repatriation of Illegal Aliens

Until 2016, a seemingly insurmountable coalition of interests groups had blocked any serious consideration of the prevailing system of high legal immigration and de facto toleration of illegal immigration. Democratic politicians were increasingly captivated by the vision of an immigration-propelled emerging majority, in which an influx of some 100 million people (80% of them low-skilled immigrants) would drive the population to over 400 million by the middle of the century. Once the illegal aliens…

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NPG Report Offers Alternative Option for Majority of Nation’s Illegal Aliens

Proposal grants substantial compensation for qualifying immigrants who voluntarily depart the U.S., offers compromise between hard right and left proposals.
Observing that mass immigration has by default become the nation’s de facto population policy – and that elected officials are struggling to effectively address the estimated population of 11 million illegal aliens currently living in the U.S., Negative Population Growth (NPG) has released a new Forum paper today…

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Over one million legal immigrants.

It also appears in the Washington Times on April 24, 2017. Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times. Over one million legal immigrants – and anywhere from 300,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens – enter our country each year. Most are seeking Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) status or U.S. citizenship, so that they may sponsor …

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Earth Day turns 47 this year – yet one environmental threat remains largely ignored…

This ad appears in the Washington Times on April 17, 2017. Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in Harpers Magazine. Earth Day turns 47 this year – yet one environmental threat remains largely ignored… …America is growing by an average of 1 person every 16* seconds. 150,000,000: U.S. population in 1950 325,000,000: U.S. population today …

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U.S. Overpopulation: Earth’s Biggest Problem

This ad appears in the May/June 2017 issues of Harpers Magazine & Mother Jones Magazine.  It also appears in the Washington Times on April 10, 2017. Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in Harpers Magazine. U.S. OVERPOPULATION: EARTH’S BIGGEST PROBLEM 150,000,000: U.S. population in 1950 325,000,000: U.S. population today 400,000,000: projected U.S. population in 2050 …

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