Ad for 2017 USA Today and National Geographic: Your Guide to National Parks
- May 8, 2017
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This ad appears in 2017 USA Today and National Geographic: Your Guide to National Parks available May 2017.

Please click the photo to view the add as it appears in 2017 USA Today and National Geographic: Your Guide to National Parks.
Earth Day turned 47 this year – yet one environmental threat remains largely ignored.
America is growing by an average
of 1 person every 16 seconds.
150,000,000: U.S. population in 1950
325,000,000: population today
400,000,000: projected population by 2050
Despite what you may think, population growth is a real problem – especially here in the U.S. where our consumption levels are far higher than in the rest of the world.
If we want to protect our environment, we must talk about population size and growth.
NPG is leading the conversation – and YOU CAN HELP!