Earth Day turns 47 this year – yet one environmental threat remains largely ignored…
- April 16, 2017
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This ad appears in the Washington Times on April 17, 2017.

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Earth Day turns 47 this year –
yet one environmental threat
remains largely ignored…
…America is growing by an average of 1 person every 16* seconds.
150,000,000: U.S. population in 1950
325,000,000: U.S. population today
400,000,000: projected U.S. population in 2050
Despite what you may think, population growth is a real problem – especially here in the U.S. where our consumption levels are far higher than in the rest of the world.
Still not convinced overpopulation is an issue?
- In 2014, our nation had less than 5% of the world’s population but was responsible for over 20% of global oil consumption.
- Every hour, the U.S. loses 50 acres of farm and ranch land to sprawl and development.
- Our nation’s water use has nearly doubled since 1950, growing right alongside our population.
- In 2013, Americans generated 254 million tons of trash – representing 4.4 pounds per person per day – and our total garbage creation has nearly tripled since 1960.
If we want to protect our environment,
we must talk about population size and growth.
NPG is leading the conversation – and YOU CAN HELP!
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