
New Survey Indicates Growing Disdain for Situation at US-Mexico Border

What does everyone REALLY think about what’s happening at the US-Mexico Border? The results of a new Pew Research Center survey show, “Just 23% of Americans say the government is doing a good job dealing with the large number of people seeking asylum at the border, while more than three times as many (73%) say it’s doing a bad job.”  …

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New NPG Forum Paper Explores the U.S. Immigration System After Title 42

Click here to download a PDF of this release. Current Immigration Policy is Not Sustainable Long Term Alexandria, VA, (June 29, 2023): Following President Joe Biden’s executive orders that effectively eliminated immigration enforcement measures along the southern border, a new era of sustained mass migration has been rolling unimpeded across the American frontier. According to The Point of No Return, …

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Access to Contraceptives Receives a Win!

Biden Signs Bill to Ensure Accessibility of Contraceptives Population activists received some very welcome news last week when President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order designed to improve access to various contraceptives. Just over a year ago, the Supreme Court ruled against Roe v. Wade, creating chaos across the nation as individual states began to implement their own rules concerning …

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This ad appeared in the Washington Times weekly on March 27 and will appear on April 24, 2023. Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN, PRESIDENT BIDEN? The Members of Negative Population Growth, Inc. respectfully ask what you plan to do to fix the horrible problems now occurring on …

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