
Don’t be fooled by the headlines!

April 8, 2021 We have all read stories of the “dire” situation the United States faces as we continue to experience lower birth rates, leading to reduced projections for overall U.S. population.  In addition to a drop in birth rates, COVID-19 led to a general decline in the number of immigrants entering the country – at least until the Biden …

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What Can We Do as a Nation to Address Climate Displacement?

March 30, 2021 Climate Displacement Will Cause Increased Migration Within the United States and Worldwide “The decisions we make about where to live are distorted not just by politics that play down climate risks, but also by expensive subsidies and incentives aimed at defying nature. In much of the developing world, vulnerable people will attempt to flee the emerging perils …

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WATER – What Would We Do Without It?

March 19, 2021 WATER What would we do without it? On March 22nd, people around the world and across the United States will take a moment to celebrate the life-giving properties of water, focus on critical water-related issues, and commit to ensuring that scores of future generations of humans and other species have wide-scale access to clean water. World Water …

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Scientists Worry Slow Circulation Will Increase Climate Change

March 23, 2021 Scientists Worry Slow Circulation Will Increase Climate Change Study Finds Atlantic Ocean Circulation is Slower Now than the Past 1,000 Years Scientists have proven circulation in the Atlantic Ocean has decreased. The current, which plays an integral role in redistributing heat throughout the planet, is now slower than it has been in at least 1,600 years. Scientists …

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Ecologists Unite to Publish Perspective on the Earth’s Condition

March 9, 2021 Ecologists Unite to Publish Perspective on the Earth’s Condition Is It Possible to Avoid a Ghastly Future on Earth? “Humanity is causing a rapid loss of biodiversity and, with it, Earth’s ability to support complex life. But the mainstream is having difficulty grasping the magnitude of this loss, despite the steady erosion of the fabric of human …

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New NPG Forum Paper Explores Doctors’ Stance and Obstacles Faced When Confronting Overpopulation

Doctors Acknowledge Their Hand in Overpopulation but Is It Enough? In 1972, an organization of doctors tackled overpopulation in their mission statement, saying, in part: “It is right that we as doctors should be especially concerned about the world population crisis.” Since that time, doctors have generally taken a more passive stance on overpopulation. Rarely quick to highlight the dangers of overpopulation or the connection between overpopulation and

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