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For 40 Years We’ve Shared the Same Goals!

This Ad appeared Utne Reader - March/April 2012 ...
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It’s Time for Congress to respond to the Demands of the American People on Immigration!

This ad appeared in The Washington Times Weekly - February 13th, 2012 ...
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For 40 Years We’ve Shared the Same Goals!

This ad appeared in E The Environment Magazine - Jan/Feb 2012, Harper Magazine - Jan 2012 and Utne Reader - Jan/Feb 2012 ...
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For 40 Years We've Shared the Same Goals!

This ad appeared in E The Environment Magazine - Jan/Feb 2012, Harper Magazine - Jan 2012 and Utne Reader - Jan/Feb 2012 ...
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Open Appeal to Congress: Take Back Your Constitutional Role In Making America’s Immigration Laws!

This ad appeared in The Washington Times, September 2011 ...
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We Demand Congressional Action!

This ad appeared in The Hill, October 2011 ...
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Help Us Win the Battle Against Soaring Immigration Numbers

This ad appeared in The Washington Times National Weekly, July 2011 ...
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More Students Speak Out…NPG’s Annual Scholarship Contest Winners

This ad appeared in E The Environmental Magazine, July/August 2011 ...
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More Students Speak Out…NPG’s Annual Scholarship Contest Winners

Ad below for E The Environmental Magazine - March/April/May/June 2011 ...