An Open Letter to the US Supreme Court From Negative Population Growth Members
- April 5, 2012
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This ad appeared in The Washington Times for April 23rd, 2014

Dear Honorable Justices:
As you take the time to hear oral arguments this week in the case of Arizona v. United States, we ask that you keep an open mind as to the vital need for Arizona to enact SB 1070, and for like-minded leaders in Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina and Utah to pass similar immigration-related legislation.
All of the state legislators who are taking the lead by supplementing enforcement of current federal immigration laws are acting at the bequest – and with the full support – of frustrated citizens. For years, the vast majority of states have been forced to carry an excessive social and fiscal burden that can be traced directly to the federal government’s failure to enforce our nation’s immigration laws. This simply cannot be allowed to continue without our states having the recourse to protect the property and jobs of their citizens. Just as important, our states should not be forced to spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually to carry the costs of an inferior federal immigration system.
As dedicated citizens, we are working with Negative Population Growth to ask that our elected leaders act immediately to bring forth critical immigration reform – and that Washington aggressively strengthen our borders and enforce existing immigration laws. We also recognize that the responsibility of solving our nation’s immigration crisis and shaping future policy can and should fall to our elected Members of the U.S. Congress, not the nation’s courts.
In all, your decision in Arizona v. United States will have a profound and lasting impact. It will determine whether our nation and citizens can protect our future or whether we fall victim to an unacceptable immigration system, complete with ineffective federal enforcement policies which will radically undermine our laws and change our nation. Please think about America’s citizens as you
consider this important case.
Thank you.
NPG Members in Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina and Utah