It’s Taken 40 Years to Get This Far…40 More Years May be too Late!
- June 5, 2012
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This ad appeared in Utne Reader and E-the Environmental Magazine – May/June 2012.

This year, Negative Population Growth celebrates its 40th Anniversary. We launched this important organization in 1972 a few years after America’s population passed the 200 million mark and have been working diligently to sound the alarm about the critical need to rein-in population growth and halt out-of-control immigration.
In recent years, as Americans have been forced to confront the reality that ever-rising population numbers are fueling our nation’s debt crisis … overtaxing our national infrastructure … producing more social problems … creating more competition for limited water supplies … and further destroying our fragile environment … people are finally waking up to the fact that time is running out to get this critical problem under control.
It may not be politically correct to do so, but our elected leaders must act immediately to put the brakes on ever increasing immigration which serves as the prime catalyst for our soaring population numbers. America simply cannot continue to be a welcoming beacon for countless millions of people from around the world and still be able to create a sustainable future for our citizens.
If we fail to take any action to slow our population growth, U.S. population will grow from today’s 313 million people to 438 million by mid-century -less than 40 years from now! By then it could definitely be too late to halt and reverse today ‘s population numbers. With projections showing that a child born in America today has a great chance to live until 2100, we simply cannot condemn them to live in a nation of 1,000,000,000 people.
Time is running short to confront and resolve this problem if we wish to leave our children and grandchildren a decent quality of life in the future. Please go to our website and sign on as our newest member today.