
NPG Announces Essay and Photo Scholarship Winners

In keeping with its longstanding and highly popular Youth Outreach program, Negative Population Growth (NPG) continues to engage America’s students in the fight for their future.  High school seniors and undergraduate students nationwide were invited to participate in NPG’s 2017 Essay and Photography Scholarship Contests.  Out of thousands of entries,…

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NPG Report Focuses on U.S. Infrastructure and Population on a Collision Course

If current trends continue and immigration remains such a driving force in America’s population growth, our country may be forced to accommodate as many as 417 million people by 2060.  That means that our nation’s present failing and fragile infrastructure – including highways, bridges, dams, water systems, electric grids, etc. – …

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Joseph Wagner – $2,000 Winner

ws_table id=”48″ by Joseph Wagner – Gonzaga University, Spokane WA We are currently at a crossroads in our country’s history and the United States’ leadership is needed on the world stage now more than ever. Our own unsustainable desire for growth has resulted in Climate Change; from rising seas that threaten coastal cities to massive droughts that threaten the food …

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Grant Kleiman – $1,000 Winner

ws_table id=”48″ by Grant Kleiman – Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, MN The Population Elevator Keeps Going Up Imagine you’re on an elevator and twelve people get on. Your face is squashed against the wall. The smell of aftershave and body odor makes you nauseous. The elevator stops and someone else tries to get on. “Get lost!” someone rudely says, pushing …

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Caitlin Stock – $1,000 Winner

ws_table id=”48″ by Caitlin Stock – Brigham Young University, Provo, UT It is disheartening to hear rampant crime rates, natural disasters, and environmental pollution are on the rise.  It is painful to imagine thousands of people born into poverty every year with little chance of success.  It is uncomfortable to picture overburdened infrastructure in overcrowded cities, inadequate living conditions for families, and …

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This ad appears  in Washington Times Daily on June 6, 2017.  Millions of Americans recently went to the polls to elect leaders who will shape the future of our nation. Today, we speak for tens of millions of  citizens in asking that you give top priority to restoring order to America’s failed immigration system.

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Reforming Birthright Citizenship: A Must For U.S. Population Policy

Section 1, Clause 1 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution declares: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” Originally intended to protect the civil rights of freed slaves during the Reconstruction Era, the law has instead become a popular Constitutional loophole that is frequently exploited by the pro-amnesty and open-border immigration lobbies. In an effort to further their agenda of mass migration to and permanent legal settlement within the United States, these special interest groups are demanding that the U.S. adopt their interpretation of our nation’s 14th Amendment:…

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NPG Releases Position Paper on Birthright Citizenship

Analysis finds that current interpretation of 14th Amendment leads to massive chain migration, causing dangerous increases to U.S. population growth.
As the Trump Administration and 115th Congress continue to debate massive reforms to U.S. immigration policies, Negative Population Growth (NPG) has released a new Position paper today on the issue of birthright citizenship. NPG President Donald Mann notes: “Current application of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution grants automatic U.S. citizenship for every baby…

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Ad for 2017 USA Today and National Geographic: Your Guide to National Parks

This ad appears  in 2017 USA Today and National Geographic:  Your Guide to National Parks available May 2017.   Please click the photo to view the add as it appears in 2017 USA Today and National Geographic:  Your Guide to National Parks. Earth Day turned 47 this year – yet one environmental threat remains largely ignored. America is growing by …

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