
Population: An Unacknowledged Presence At World Food Crisis Talks

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Continuing world population growth was a huge but unacknowledged elephant in the conference hall at the June 2008 UN-Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Summit in Rome on World Food Security: The Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy. Remarkably, only a handful of the more than 200 heads of government, foreign ministers, ambassadors and ministers of agriculture, development and trade …

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Peak Coal

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The Energy Watch Group (EWG) in Germany has produced the most detailed and most disquieting study I have yet seen of the future of world coal production. They start, as do most writers on the future of coal, from the national statistical data compiled by the World Energy Council (WEC), but they …

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Peak Oil. Are We There Yet?

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version In the 1950s, Shell Oil geologist M. King Hubbert predicted that oil production in the United States would peak about 1970 and thereafter inescapably drift downward. He was generally derided, but production did indeed peak in 1970. After that, several other petroleum geologists applied “Hubbert’s curve” to world recoverable oil resources, and …

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Zero Tolerance for Illegal Immigration: An Urgent Policy Need (An NPG Position Paper)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version. Zero Tolerance For Illegal Immigration: An Urgent Policy Need An NPG Position Paper Summary Statement NPG’s primary concern with immigration, both legal and illegal, is that it is the driving force behind America’s population growth. Our population grew by some 33 million in the decade of the 90s, and is on track …

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Proposed National Population Policy

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version  NPG believes that a national policy to turn U.S. population growth around is critically needed. (See the FORUM series in the Publications on our web site, In this paper, we offer a series of specific proposals as to how to accomplish that goal. We recognize the political resistances in the way of …

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Should New Orleans be Rebuilt? (An NPG Internet Forum Paper)

by Walter Youngquist The environment on which we depend consists of energy resources, and the biological and mineral resources of the Earth. It involves biological processes such as species competition and adaptation to a changing physical environment. It includes the physical processes, which go to shape the Earth’s surface, as well as modify both the surface and the interior of …

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