
Search result for: “energy”

Save the Earth…Don’t Give Birth (NPG Booknote)

Save the Earth…Don’t Give Birth The story behind the simplest, yet trickiest, way to help save our endangered planet. by Jonathan Austen An NPG Booknote by Edwin Rubenstein “We humans are young, greedy, inexperienced killer primates. We have recklessly allowed our population and consumption to rise beyond the capacity of the Earth. The rise in human populations is the underlying cause …

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National polls show support for NPG’s position

LISTENING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE National Polls Find Support for NPG Positions and Goals Every national organization that works to advance a responsible agenda must constantly ask itself:  Are the people with us? For NPG, with its goal to slow, halt and eventually reverse U.S. population growth, a recent national poll found that the answer was a strong “YES.” Under …

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Population Threats to America’s Rivers, Estuaries, and Lakes

Their Health and Future in the Face of Ever-Rising Population Numbers. A look at a map that displays the full array of our nation’s major rivers makes very clear that they serve as “America’s lifelines.” From the smallest to the mightiest, they start in out-of-the-way corners of the land as small streams, gather volume, and rush past both small communities and

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Renewables to the Rescue? The Myths, The Reality, and Why a Smaller U.S. Population is Needed to Save the Planet

Can the U.S. economy run on renewable energy alone? That may seem like a fanciful question at a time when the incumbent President insists that climate change is a “hoax” and is determined to restore coal to its once preeminent role in the nation’s energy supply. But a few years back Mark Z. Jacobson, a prominent Stanford University professor of engineering, published a widely acclaimed article claiming that energy from the wind, the sun, and …

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