
Search result for: “environment”

NPG Attends 100th Anniversary of ESA, Population Meetings

100th Anniversary Meeting of the Ecological Society of America Held in downtown Baltimore, Maryland at the city’s Convention Center, the 6-day 2015 ESA Annual Meeting was a huge event – stretching for blocks, with thousands of attendees from all across America. It truly was a sight to see – scientists from all fields, students from all disciplines, and professionals from …

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Endangered Species – Another Consequence of Population Growth

  UPDATE: Endangered Species – Another Consequence of Population Growth On Saturday, August 1st, large crowds gathered by the Empire State Building in New York City. In response to the recent killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe – which sparked international outrage against trophy hunting and animal extinction – the Empire State Building projected large images of endangered species …

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Beijing Takes the Lead on Population Policy

  Beijing announces new policy to limit population… According to a recent article in Focus News, “China’s national capital Beijing has announced plans to build a new administrative center adjacent to the city to address growing… woes.”  An announcement from the Communist Party of China explained a new guideline for the city’s future growth, which mandated an official population policy.  …

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Calvin Wilder – $2,500 Winner

ws_table id=”40″ By Calvin Wilder, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL The Price the Future Will Pay The first (and only) time I visited Alaska, I was only six years old. Even so, the experience of seeing that truly wild, untamed land has always stuck with me. I was there for just a week, but in that time I saw a …

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James Wang – $1,000 Winner

ws_table id=”40″ By James Wang, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT Sprawling forests of metropolitan areas covered in smog. Vast fields of monoculture. Herds of backed up cars. Mountains of trash and litter. These everyday sights in the United States are replacing nature’s beauty and causing a myriad of problems such as desertification, deforestation, shortage of drinking water, depletion of energy …

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Raegan Melfe – $1,000 Winner

ws_table id=”40″ By Raegan Melfe, California Baptist University, Riverside, CA Should the United States’ government pursue population policies to protect our quality of life for future generations? I live in California, which has the largest population in the United States at 38.8 million people, and no legitimate Population Growth Policy.  California has experienced significant population growth over the past 6 …

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Zachery Waitrovich – $1,000 Winner

ws_table id=”40″ By Zachery Waitrovich, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI State mandated curriculum in Wisconsin requires all high school freshman to take a survey biology course. Within that course, students study many branches of biology such as ecology, specifically pertaining to environments’ carrying capacity. Increasing population, in the United States and abroad, directly correlates to decreasing carrying capacity. To protect …

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NPG Announces Essay and Photo Scholarship Winners

In keeping with its longstanding and highly popular Youth Outreach program, Negative Population Growth (NPG) continues to engage America’s students in the fight for their future. High school seniors and undergraduate students nationwide were invited to participate in NPG’s 2015 Essay and Photography Scholarship Contests…

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The President’s Column: NPG Statement on Population

We believe that the optimum rate of population growth is negative.

We believe that the optimum rate of population growth for the United States (and for the world) is negative, until such time as the scale of economic activity – and its environmental effects – is reduced to a level that would be sustainable indefinitely. We are convinced that if present rates of population …

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