NPG Attends 100th Anniversary of ESA, Population Meetings
- August 26, 2015
- NPG Commentary
100th Anniversary Meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Held in downtown Baltimore, Maryland at the city’s Convention Center, the 6-day 2015 ESA Annual Meeting was a huge event – stretching for blocks, with thousands of attendees from all across America. It truly was a sight to see – scientists from all fields, students from all disciplines, and professionals from all backgrounds gathered together to discuss how to best preserve and protect our world’s ecological treasures.
NPG was pleased to attend a special conference track on Thursday, August 13th which focused on population growth and its harmful impacts on our environment. Centered on the theme “Making Up for Lost Time,” each session covered an important element of the population discussion.
Presentations were made by experts in a variety of population fields from countries around the world, including NPG contributing author Tom Horton (Revisiting the Chesapeake Bay: The Effect of Population Growth on America’s Largest Estuary ) and long-time NPG friend Jenny Goldie of Sustainable Population Australia.
The issues surrounding population growth – including biodiversity loss, wildfires, overdevelopment, the empowerment of women, family size and planning, economics, and immigration – were all included within the powerful series of presentations. It was a privilege to attend such an important event!
NPG was able to hear the latest from some
long-standing allies, and also make some new connections in the field!
Our special thanks goes out to NPG Special Advisor Leon Kolankiewicz (author of NPG Forum papers More Nonsense on Inexhaustible Resources from the Wall Street Journal and The Other Soil Erosion: Long-Term Erosion of Our Productive Farmland Base from U.S. Population Growth), who invited us to attend this important and informative conference! His presentation of an Environmental Impact Statement on U.S. immigration policy was incredibly informative, but also very disturbing.
Thanks to this important event, NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada was able to begin dialogues with a new group of leading experts. We will continue our work to share the latest research findings – which demonstrate the real consequences of immigration-driven population growth, and outline steps we can take to slow, halt, and eventually reverse that growth!
We regularly commission, publish and distribute these critical works to NPG members and supporters, the full U.S. Congress, key contacts in the national media, other environmental organizations, educators across America, and the general public through our website and social media pages. You can rest assured – NPG is sharing the FACTS about population growth and its serious environmental consequences!
For over 43 years, we have not
simply identified the problems –
we propose real solutions!
You can help our work
to protect the environment!
As a dedicated NPG ally, can I count on you to back your support of our work with a generous financial contribution? Remember – we receive absolutely no government funding. To succeed in our critical mission, we rely entirely on the generous contributions of members like you!
Your gift of $20, $30, or even $50 will help our
work for an official U.S. population policy – one that
protects and preserves our environmental future!
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Click here for a PDF of the conference session lineup.