
Search result for: “environment”

NPG Calls for Non-Political Census

Says Accurate Count of People in U.S. Must Be a Top Priority. Negative Population Growth’s President Donald Mann has stepped forth to put the weight of his organization behind those who oppose including a citizenship question in the 2020 U.S. Census. In the wake of a growing national controversy, many people are charging that the recent decision to return to …

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This ad appeared in the Harper’s magazine, March 27, 2018.   Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Harper’s magazine. CELEBRATE EARTH DAY! SIGN ON TO HELP CONFRONT THE FRIGHTENING ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGE THAT OUR NATION CAN NO LONGER IGNORE. From its very founding in 1970, Earth Day has stood as a time for Americans to …

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Renewables to the Rescue? The Myths, The Reality, and Why a Smaller U.S. Population is Needed to Save the Planet

Can the U.S. economy run on renewable energy alone? That may seem like a fanciful question at a time when the incumbent President insists that climate change is a “hoax” and is determined to restore coal to its once preeminent role in the nation’s energy supply. But a few years back Mark Z. Jacobson, a prominent Stanford University professor of engineering, published a widely acclaimed article claiming that energy from the wind, the sun, and …

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In Memoriam – Walter Youngquist

Walter L. Youngquist, PhD  1921-2018 With the passing of Dr. Walter Youngquist in February, NPG and the many Americans alarmed by unending population growth and rapid depletion of earth’s resources have lost a distinguished and deeply experienced author, thinker, advocate and friend. A petroleum geologist with a doctorate in geology, Dr. Youngquist taught, wrote and spoke publicly over several decades …

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The Impact of Immigrant Children on America’s Public Schools

All Students Lose in Overcrowded Classrooms Taught by Overworked Teachers. As a nation we have witnessed outrage after outrage during the past 15-20 years as our once-workable immigration system has fallen apart. Today’s headlines constantly carry reports on the ongoing problems related to the estimated 12 million+ illegal immigrants living in the United States. The list includes better protecting our nation’s southern border, soaring costs of billion dollar entitlement programs, increasing pressure to grant citizenship to undocumented residents…

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Congressional Votes on Immigration Will be “Nation Changing”

NPG Cites Historic Opportunity to Rein-in Population Growth. In advance of a major push to decide the fate of illegal young people in the U.S. currently covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, NPG President Donald Mann has called on Congress to also take this opportunity to make a number of additional “nation changing” reforms to America’s broken immigration system…

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District Of Columbia

  • November 20, 2017

RETURN TO MAP Click the links below to view state facts. District of Columbia Population News Articles Population Density Historic & Projected Growth Population POPULATION DENSITY People per square mile, 2010:    9,856.5 People per square mile, 2020:   11,128 Population Population Census 2020 Population Census 2010 Population Change from 2010 Percent Change DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 689,545 601,723 87,822 14.6% HISTORIC & …

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America’s Future Demands That We Slash Legal Immigration Today!

This ad appeared in the Washington Times on October 18, 2017.   Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times. AMERICA’S FUTURE DEMANDS THAT WE SLASH LEGAL IMMIGRATION TODAY! As Americans debate our current immigration crisis and focus on how to stop the flow of illegal aliens into our country, it’s critical that we …

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How Will America Handle 400 Million People by Mid-Century?

This ad appeared in the Washington Times on October 2, 2017. Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times. HOW WILL AMERICA HANDLE 400 MILLION PEOPLE BY MID-CENTURY? It’s long past time for a major correction in our nation’s immigration and population policies. Failure to take action soon will lead to more out-of-control immigration and …

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NPG Paper Denounces GOP Pushes to Gut Planned Parenthood and ACA

New report finds that short-sighted agendas of “Trump Era” politicians are driving new U.S. policies, which may dangerously increase population size and growth.
After repeated Congressional attempts to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Negative Population Growth (NPG) will release a new Forum paper today.  The NPG report analyzes the impact of current conservative stances on both reproductive healthcare and foreign aid policy, finding that each will likely result in decreased access to contraceptive and family planning resources for millions. …

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