
Search result for: “environment”

National polls show support for NPG’s position

LISTENING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE National Polls Find Support for NPG Positions and Goals Every national organization that works to advance a responsible agenda must constantly ask itself:  Are the people with us? For NPG, with its goal to slow, halt and eventually reverse U.S. population growth, a recent national poll found that the answer was a strong “YES.” Under …

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NATIONAL HONEY BEE DAY – AUGUST 18TH Celebrating Our Very Busy and Very Important Friends It is traditional for all of us to have learned about “the birds and the bees” at a key point when we were growing up. However, the reality is that few of us really learned much about the bees.   Today, the most many of us know …

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President Don Mann Releases New Paper on U.S. Waterways and Population

Population Growth Continues to Threaten Fragile Waterways Across the Country. Americans have a deep and historic love for their rivers, estuaries, and lakes says NPG President Don Mann.  But are they loving them to death?  They place enormous and at times conflicting demands on the nation’s tens of thousands of waterways:  pure water for drinking and industrial use, plant and home sites…

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Population Threats to America’s Rivers, Estuaries, and Lakes

Their Health and Future in the Face of Ever-Rising Population Numbers. A look at a map that displays the full array of our nation’s major rivers makes very clear that they serve as “America’s lifelines.” From the smallest to the mightiest, they start in out-of-the-way corners of the land as small streams, gather volume, and rush past both small communities and

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U.S. National Parks Stressed

Record Numbers of Americans Are Flocking to Our National Parks Will Too Many Visitors Destroy Their Treasured Status? It’s the height of summer.  And countless millions of Americans are visiting, hiking, camping, boating and taking full advantage of the vast network of national parks that stretch across our great nation. With the economy on the upswing more people than ever …

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Overpopulation and Habitat Encroachment

Overpopulation and Habitat Encroachment A Growing Crisis That Must Be Brought Into Balance From Earth’s earliest times, humans and wildlife have been in conflict.  One of the greatest aspects of their ongoing struggle has been over who gets to live where and how to divide limited resources.  To date, humans are winning hands down when it comes to these two …

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Will There Be Compromise or Chaos? The Trump administration’s proposal to roll back federal clean car standards that were put in place in 2012 during the Obama administration has set off a political firestorm that involves many powerful political players – and prompted the nation’s most populous state to dig in and respond with a very emphatic “NO!”  The answer …

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This ad appeared in the Washington Times Weekly starting April 16, 2018.
As America prepares to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, you have a huge responsibility to make sure that large and small
policies and actions on the federal, state and local level give top priority to environmental concerns.
With our nation’s population continuing to soar by tens of millions of people each decade – and set to approach 400 million
by 2050 – we members of Negative Population Growth appeal to you to do all you can to create a workable and responsible
national population policy….

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