
Search result for: “energy”

Changing Climate Concerns

How Beliefs, Attitudes, and Preferences Influence Environmental Policies In July, the journal Population and Environment published a paper that studied the influence of population aging on global climate policy. Before this study, the authors note: “Research linking aging with climate change has, to date, been focused mainly on the fact that, among the different demographic groups, it is the elderly …

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Make Your Voice Heard

Contact Your Elected Officials An important way to help spread NPG’s message is to write your elected officials. Below are several sample letters to help convey the critical need to halt and reverse U.S. population growth, which can be sent to your Congressmen, Governor, or local leaders. We encourage you to edit the language to fit each specific situation appropriately. …

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Can We Make It with Fewer People?

May 23, 2023 Feldstein Says Yes, and NPG Agrees (Mostly) The Scientific American recently published an opinion piece by Stephanie Feldstein, the population and sustainability director at the Center for Biological Diversity. The article takes a hard look at the crises surrounding humans and points toward solutions to empower everyone in their choice to procreate or abstain. Feldstein takes on …

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