
Gregory Ross – $1,000 Winner of the 2014 NPG Essay Scholarship Contest

ws_table id=”37″ Let’s Keep It “America the Beautiful” By Gregory Ross, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Despite the 100-degree Arizona heat, the Colorado River was freezing cold. My toes, dipped in its muddy waters, told me the Grand Canyon is not in its natural state. I was studying the Canyon’s ecosystem on a nine-day river-rafting trip. Fifty years ago, to accommodate the …

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NPG Calls for White House Commitment to Study U.S. Population Growth

Cites need for Presidential Commission on Population as critical to administration’s priority to reverse climate change. Following the release of the White House’s National Climate Assessment last month, Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann has called on the Obama administration to give top priority to studying the consequences of U.S. population growth. In a letter to Dr. John P. Holdren, Director of …

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While Increasing Fuel Efficiency is a Positive Step, America is Still Missing the Real Solution

Just a few days after his State of the Union address, President Obama followed through on his promise to work against climate change.  According to USA Today, he “ordered the Environmental Protection Agency EPA and the Transportation Department’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA to develop and issue new fuel-efficiency and greenhouse gas standards by March 31, 2016.”  Environmentalists hailed …

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The Awesome Power of Exponential Growth

Exponential growth is the steady growth of anything by a fixed percentage over a period of time.  Compound interest on a savings account is a good example of exponential growth.  The late Professor Albert A. Bartlett said “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.”  We fully agree. I often wonder if the …

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