Unaccompanied Alien Children: Humanitarian Crisis or Foreseeable Result?
- June 30, 2014
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This Ad appeared in The Washington Times on June 30, 2014 and July 31, 2014.

Unaccompanied Alien Children: Humanitarian Crisis or Foreseeable Result?
The tens of thousands of undocumented children flowing illegally across our nation’s southern border are a serious concern. Their safety is, of course, paramount – but with the chaos surrounding their situation, it is hard to guarantee. And each day, the problem goes from bad to worse.
Yet it was all predictable.
In 2012 President Obama bypassed Congress, issuing an executive directive to implement the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program – and its promise that all those under 30 who entered illegally before age 16 would not be deported. Since then, word has spread that a safe American future is available to all young people who can get here. Negative Population Growth, a public interest group concerned about America’s future, stood beside all who condemned this irresponsible action.
Today, our nation – and these children – face the dire consequences of America’s flawed immigration policy.
Our nation is already overpopulated in terms of our environment, natural resources, and quality of life. The evidence is all around us: high unemployment, overburdened social services, dwindling water and fossil fuel supplies, a decaying infrastructure, pollution…
All of these problems are only worsening as our population increases, and over 80% of our growth is caused by immigration.
As each new case arises, we are presented with reasons why “it is our responsibility” to accept more and more people into our nation. We are told “it is up to America” to find ways to educate, house, and employ millions of additional citizens from other nations – beyond the over one million we already admit each year. This time we are faced with a massive and unopposed influx of children, which is expected to total nearly 100,000 this year alone.
We are faced with difficult decisions. But we must decide to place America’s future first.
Contact your Senators and Representatives immediately (U.S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121). Tell them to put America first – with stronger border security and a consistent, responsible immigration policy.