
Life Expectancy Drives U.S. and World Population Growth

Ironically, Johnson’s historical narrative starts at a moment in time when it seemed people would never “stop dying.” In September ...

Will 2022 Be the First Year of U.S. Negative Population Growth?

Annual population growth in the United States now stands at a record low. Will COVID-19 send it into early reverse? ...

On the Wrong Track: Why the Endangered Species Act Isn’t Enough

I know many people who care deeply about wildlife. Thanks to their efforts, the Bald Eagle, the Peregrine Falcon, the ...

How Covid, Climate, The Cartels Reshape U.S. Refugee Policy

The coronavirus pandemic has had far reaching consequences for the global economy, obliterating millions of jobs. And it has affected ...
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The New York Times’ Readers Want to Re-Write the Paper’s Gloomy Narrative on Population Decline

The New York Times can make a claim to be the nation’s most influential newspaper. With over 5 million subscribers, ...

Don’t Call It a Crisis: The Natural Explanation Behind Collapsing Birth Rates

Americans are having far fewer children than in the past, as a recent report by the U.S. Centers for Disease ...

The Global Gag Rule: A Lesson in Unintended Consequences

A deadly pandemic. Record unemployment amidst a collapsing economy. Illegal immigrants surging across the southwestern border. Racial fears and animosity ...

Yale Researchers Debunk the Myth of 11 Million Illegal Immigrants

Call any journalist, lobbyist, activist, or reasonably well-informed citizen – in red state or blue – and ask: a. How ...

Doctors Take Responsibility For Overpopulation, Again

Doctors and Overpopulation was established in 1972 in the United Kingdom. The organization’s mission statement, published simultaneously in the British ...

A Message Called “Covid-19”

I am a retired physician and COVID-19 survivor, and I am here to deliver a message contained in the heart ...