
Little Known Presidential Population Leadership

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Those of us familiar with the issue of U.S. population growth are well-acquainted with seeing it summarily ignored by each successive White House administration. Less commonly known are the presidents who initiated studies which led, in some cases, toward policy innovation and broader discussion of the issue of population growth. In this …

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Immigration and America’s Unchosen Future

Read the entire paper, download a PDF version Immigration and America’s Unchosen Future America Headed in the Wrong Direction The first decade of the twenty-first century brought the United States a mix of conflicting and mostly unsettling indicators of where the nation was headed, and public opinion polls registered a steady increase in pessimism. Presidential candidates in 2008 encountered a public …

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A Vast Social Experiment: The Immigration Act of 1965

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The United States had left regulation of immigration to the coastal states until the Supreme Court in 1875 declared that this was exclusively a national, not a state responsibility. Congress struggled through four decades to create a coherent policy that would bring under control the large-scale and essentially unregulated immigration that commenced …

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