
Will Affluence Ruin the Environment?

If 2020 teaches us anything, it’s that the next crisis is likely right around the corner, and could be prevented, or at least contained, if we act swiftly. A pandemic that scientists long warned was likely to occur, occurred, and has already killed well over 240,000 people in the U.S. Dozens of large wildfires – the latest evidence of the climate emergency – are torching the American

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Climate Change, Migration and National Security

As climate change accelerates, as much as one-third of world population could live in places that most humans consider
too hot for habitation. Currently fewer than 25 million people, predominantly in Africa, live in these hot zones, defined as
places where mean annual temperature (MAT) is above 84 degrees Fahrenheit.1 By comparison, Miami’s MAT is a
comparatively “frigid” 74 F.

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Human Fertility and Climate Change

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Human Fertility and Climate ChangeAn NPG Forum Paperby Edwin S. Rubenstein April 2020 Thomas Malthus warned that human population growth would outstrip the food supply. That fear largely dissipated when fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanized agriculture lowered the price, and increased the quantity, of foodstuffs. But today the very things that bailed us …

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Humans are Making Oceans Warmer, Deeper, and Life Threatening

Without oceans, climate change would be much worse. The oceans directly absorb about a quarter of the CO2 humans spew into the atmosphere. They also take over 90% of the heat from global warming, acting as a buffer against even greater warming. But the oceans themselves are in trouble from climate change, as the latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly shows.

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It’s Complicated: The Role of Land in Global Warming

There they go again: Another massive UN climate change report – 107 authors, from 53 countries, examining 7,000 research articles. Another exercise in denial. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s special report on land, rolled out in Geneva in early August, takes on two questions: how land use contributes to climate change, and how climate change affects land.

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