

In the film An Inconvenient Truth, ex vice-president Al Gore presents the facts about climate change. It is a bravura performance. He makes use of brilliant presentational techniques to put before us all relevant current knowledge about climate change. He lightens the factual burden with humour, and by including some interesting

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Americans Talk About Illegal Immigration – Poll Results (2003)

Final Report Prepared by RoperASW March 2003 Table of Contents Introduction and Method Overview   I. General Attitudes Toward Immigration   II. Approval of Methods to Deal With Illegal Immigration   III. Views Regarding the Role State and Local Governments Should Play In Thwarting Illegal Immigration   IV. Penalties for False Identification Documents   V. Views Toward Employers and Illegal Immigration Appendices: Demography and Survey …

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Better Not Bigger (NPG Booknote)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Better Not Bigger by Eben Fodor New Society Publishers, 1999 Reviewed by former NPG Executive Director Sharon McCloe Stein  American attitudes toward growth reflect a great deal of ambivalence.  Many see economic and population growth as good business, more consumers, more workers, more prosperity ÷ a rising tide that lifts all boats.  For …

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The Population-Environment Connection: Who Makes It?

Compiled by NPG, this listing details the official population and migration positions of 29 national environmental and population organizations such as the Sierra Club, National Audubon Society, The Wilderness Society and Zero Population Growth. Contact information for each organization is included as well. Download a PDF of the full report here.

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A Survey Of American Attitudes About Population Size: Towards A Smaller U.S. Population (Executive Summary)

Executive Summary A Survey Of American Attitudes About Population Size: Towards A Smaller U.S. Population Policy Makers Alert: New Poll Reveals Clear Attitudes Regarding U.S. Population Size and Growth To determine American public opinion with regard to U.S. population size and growth, NPG commissioned a Roper Starch survey. The survey, conducted in December 1995, was carried out with face-to-face interviews …

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Reinventing Malthus for the 21st Century: A Bicentennial Event on Malthus’ Original Population Essay (NPG Special Report)

Celebrating the Bicentennial of Malthus’ Original Population Essay The 200th Anniversary of one of the most provocative essays in the history of Western thought is upon us, the original edition of An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus, first published in 1798.   This important essay first identified the geometric role of natural population increase in outrunning …

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Poll Finds One-Fifth Opposed to All Immigration

by Michelle Mittelstadt  Associated Press February 26, 1996 Washington (AP) – Nearly eight of every 10 Americans believe immigration rates should be dramatically scaled back and fully one-fifth want a halt to all immigration, legal or not, a new poll suggests.  The roper poll, commissioned by a small non-profit group that advocates a substantially decreased U.S. population, comes as Congress …

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Food, Energy, and Society

Food, Energy, and Society by David and Marcia Pimentel, Editors University Press of Colorado, 1996, Revised Edition. Hardback. Food, Energy, and Society provides a detailed evaluation of the link between two of the greatest problems we face today – uncontrolled population growth and the destruction of our various life-supporting systems – food, land, water, and energy. Editors David and Marcia …

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