Reinventing Malthus for the 21st Century: A Bicentennial Event on Malthus’ Original Population Essay (NPG Special Report)
- July 1, 1997
- Forum Papers, Special Report
- Forum Paper

Celebrating the Bicentennial of Malthus’ Original Population Essay
The 200th Anniversary of one of the most provocative essays in the history of Western thought is upon us, the original edition of An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus, first published in 1798.
This important essay first identified the geometric role of natural population increase in outrunning subsistence food supplies, prompting Charles Darwin to explore the actual patterns of evolution. What can we learn from Malthus 200 years later?
Approximately one billion people now go to bed hungry every night. Several hundred thousand die of malnutrition every year. Malthus recognized limits: can we ignore population limits in today’s world?
Malthus’ Original Essay on the Principle of Population
William Catton’s NPG Forum on Malthus and Overshoot
Sharon Stein’s NPG Booknote Review of John Rohe’s “Bicentennial Malthusian Essay”
Malthus 200 Years Later: Selected Articles
NPR Weekend Edition, June 7, 1998
Malthusian Truths About Today’s World by Georgie Anne Geyer, May 22, 1998
Malthus + 200: Disastrous ‘Correction’ Looms Ahead, Science Daily, March 26, 1998
Defenders of Malthus Warn of America’s “Addiction” to Economic Growth,by John Omicinski, July 15, 1997