
NPG Condemns Lame-Duck Action on Amnesty

Declares Voter by Defeated Members of Congress to be an “Insult to Democracy” Alexandria, VA (November 16, 2010)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann called on Congressional leaders to put off any vote on immigration reform until January 2011 when the newly elected members of the 112th Congress take office. Working to derail a move by Senate Majority Leader Harry …

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NPG’s Earth Day Message: Population Must Be Top Environmental Concern

Declares Population Level of 450 Million will Wipe Out Environmental Gains Alexandria, VA (April 22, 2010)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann called on America’s elected leaders and policymakers today to use the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day to make a commitment to a national population policy that will rein-in population growth. Mann noted that failure to make population growth …

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NPG Launches Area-Wide Educational Project to Help Save the Chesapeake Bay

Alexandria, VA (1/23/09): Negative Population Growth, the nation’s premier population-focused organization, has launched a new “Chesapeake Bay Project” dedicated to focusing students’ attention on the Chesapeake Bay’s deteriorating environment. The new program is designed to serve as both an educational project and a “call to action” for students to get involved in pressuring federal, state and local leaders to produce …

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Majority of Americans Support Tough Action against Illegal Entry and Residence; Favor Lower Legal Immigration and Population Growth

Two Americans in three (68 percent) agree that the United States should set a goal of completely halting new illegal immigration. Over half (55 percent) support the related goal of reducing the population of 10 to 12 million illegal immigrants now residing in the United States “to near zero.” These were among the key findings of a new poll conducted …

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Americans Talk About Illegal Immigration – Poll Results (2006)

Table of Contents Introduction and Method Overview I. General Attitudes Toward Immigration II. Approval of Methods to Deal With Illegal Immigration Sample Demography Poll Questions Introduction and Method Overview This survey was undertaken on behalf of Negative Population Growth to explore several issues surrounding American attitudes toward illegal immigration and to gauge support for various measures to reduce it. Sample …

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Proposed National Population Policy

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version  NPG believes that a national policy to turn U.S. population growth around is critically needed. (See the FORUM series in the Publications on our web site, In this paper, we offer a series of specific proposals as to how to accomplish that goal. We recognize the political resistances in the way of …

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