
NPG Report Finds Little Comfort and Questionable Assumptions in Census Projections

fbshare type=”button” Alexandria, VA (June 19, 2013) – The Census Bureau’s most recent population projections, released in late 2012 and May 2013, project slower growth to mid-century than its 2009 projections.  Census’ middle – or most likely – scenario has the U.S. reaching 399 million by 2050, nine percent lower than the 439 million earlier projected. These findings are assessed …

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In Current Immigration Reform Proposals, Congress Ignores US Population Growth

Alexandria, VA (April 29, 2013) – With the recent draft release of the Senate’s immigration reform bill, Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann finds great concern with SB 744 and its effects on U.S. population size and growth. In a new NPG publication, Mann’s organization comments that it “believes that this bill, as drafted, would be a major, transformative …

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How Much should we Worry About Fracking?

A huge divide is developing across America as citizens are choosing sides on the use of hydraulic fracking to extract huge quantities of oil and gas. If you live in a state where the push is on to embrace fracking as a means to greatly increase output of fossil fuels, you are probably well aware of the pros and cons being advanced …

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A New Tutorial on Wind Farms

At the end of 2012, the European market boasted 55 offshore wind farms and the U.S. had absolutely none. The question arises: “What’s the holdup?” There are a wide variety of answers to that inquiry. However, many are cleared up by’s new report, titled “Where Do I Put My Offshore Wind Farm?,” a two-page synopsis on the present status …

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No More Semantics

Unfortunately, NPG’s hopes for dispassionate Congressional debate on immigration reform hit a snag at its very beginning. At the House Judiciary Committee’s first hearings on rewriting our nation’s immigration laws, Congressman John Conyers (D-MI), the Ranking Minority Member, noted: I hope no one uses the term illegal immigrants here today. Our citizens are not – the people in this country are not illegal. They …

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NPG Demands More from State Legislators

Survey Results Show Majority of Legislators Willing to Downplay their Role in Battle Aginst Increasing Population and Immigration Alexandria, VA (December 26, 2011)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann has called on all of America’s 7,300 state legislators to step up their involvement in helping to gain control of America’s soaring population numbers that threaten the social, economic and environmental …

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