
Deputy Director's Corner

  • November 1, 2016
  • NPG

Recently, one of our most loyal NPG supporters sent me a link to this article, which appeared in the Star Tribune:  “Minnesota’s Threatened Rivers.”  The story, written by Josephine Marcotty, opens with the statement:  “The greatest river in North America begins in Minnesota.  But our pristine stretch of the Mississippi faces mounting environmental threats.”  In her powerful article, Marcotty outlines …

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NPG Forum Paper Links Population Growth to Significant Biodiversity Loss

Following a September 16th report in the journal Science outlining the world’s “sixth extinction” event – a serious ecological threat which scientists are increasingly convinced is imminent, Negative Population Growth (NPG) will release a new Forum paper today drawing the link between population growth and diminishing global biodiversity. Unfortunately for pro-growth optimists, the paper begins with a warning: “One species, Homo sapiens, is expanding at the expense of most other creatures – …

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NPG Report Cites 21st Century as “Greatest Turning Point for Mankind”

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Download a PDF of this release here. NPG Report Cites 21st Century as “Greatest Turning Point for Mankind” Forum focuses on sustainability of energy resources, population, and a “future of less.” Alexandria, VA (September 14, 2016) – Negative Population Growth (NPG) has issued a new Forum paper today that highlights the …

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Growth in the Chesapeake Bay

Recent articles in Politico and the Bay Journal have called attention to the significant environmental stress within the Chesapeake Bay area.  One article references “The war over Chesapeake Bay,” when discussing the controversial clean-up plan launched by the Obama administration several years ago.  In another, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Gina McCarthy highlights a “discouraging lack of progress” in …

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Deputy Director’s Corner

  • September 1, 2016
  • NPG

Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at As millions of Americans make plans for barbecues and trips to the pool, all of us looking forward to the long Labor Day weekend… reality sets in – the holiday always marks the official end of summer in the U.S. Right now state and local …

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