
Alice in Wonderland: U.S. Immigration Policy

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Alice in Wonderland: U.S. Immigration Policy An NPG Footnote by Lindsey Grant March 2022 Lewis Carroll would be proud. Present U.S. asylum and immigration policies bear the distinctive mark of the Mad Hatter. The Sequence of Events  As a starter, we have laws concerning the premissible levels of immigration – not very …

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What We Can Learn from the Missing Airline Passengers

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version What We Can Learn from the Missing Airline Passengers An NPG Forum Paper by Lindsey Grant November 1992 The passenger manifests of airplanes flying into and out of the United States provide disturbing indications that immigration may be running at a substantially higher level than is generally supposed. If it is, the …

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The Biologist and the Economist: Is Dialogue Possible?

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Life Expectancy Drives U.S. and World Population Growth An NPG Forum Paper by Nathan Keyfitz June 1992 When population issues arise in government or the press, economists’ advice is regularly sought, even though modern post-Keynesian economics offers very little methodological help in dealing with secular change or limits. Biology is perhaps the …

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