
Search result for: “environment”

Make Your Voice Heard

Contact Your Elected Officials An important way to help spread NPG’s message is to write your elected officials. Below are several sample letters to help convey the critical need to halt and reverse U.S. population growth, which can be sent to your Congressmen, Governor, or local leaders. We encourage you to edit the language to fit each specific situation appropriately. …

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NPG Salutes Our Nation’s Veterans

This ad appeared in USA Today’s Veterans Memorial Day Special Edition published on May 15, 2023. Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications. NPG Salutes Our Nation’s Veterans   For generations, American service men and women have worked to protect the United States from many external forces. Collectively, they have traveled the world …

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We owe it to future generations…

This ad appeared in USA Today’s Sustainability issue published on April 17 2023. Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications. We Owe It To Future Generations…   As millions of Americans work together to create a “greener” future, the growing crush of adding tens of millions of people to our population each decade …

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Adversity for Biodiversity: A Reflection on My Experience at COP15

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version.  Adversity for Biodiversity: A Reflection on My Experience at COP15 An NPG Forum Paper by Rob Harding April 2023 Abstract: The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework1 adopted in December 2022 by representatives of most of the world’s national governments is inadequate to halt and reverse the disturbing loss of biodiversity globally. Concerted efforts …

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New Forum Paper NPG’s Highlights Experience at COP15

Click here to download a PDF of this release. NPG’s New Forum Paper Highlights Activist’s Experience at COP15 COP15 Ignores Human Population Growth and Its Effect on Biodiversity Alexandria, VA, (April 11, 2023): On December 19, 2022, the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) came to a close. In attendance was Rob Harding, author of Negative …

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