
Search result for: “environment”

The Meaning of Sustainability

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Background on Sustainabilty In the 1960s and 1970s, it became apparent to many thoughtful individuals that global populations, rates of resource use and environmental degradation were all increasing so rapidly that these increases would soon encounter the limits imposed by the finite productivity of the global ecosphere and the geological availability of …

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Negative Population Growth Marks 40th Anniversary

Founder Lauds Accomplishments and Outlines Challenges Alexandria, VA (March 26, 2012) – Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann has heralded the group’s 40th Anniversary this spring with a call for all Americans to pressure their elected leaders to slow and halt the nation’s fast-rising population numbers before they spin out of control and cause massive economic, social and environmental …

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NPG 2012 Video Scholarship Contest Winners

Winners of the 2012 Video Contest NPG, a national membership organization devoted to population issues, invites students to compete in our Video Scholarship Contest. box 2012 Topic: Without critical changes, U.S. population is projected to reach 438 million people in less than 40 years. Capture on film how this projected growth will negatively affect the United States socially, economically and environmentally./box …

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Video Scholarship Contest Announced by NPG!

Contest for Six Scholarships and $7,500 Open to Creative Students Alexandria, VA (February 28, 2012)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann has issued an open invitation to film and video production students at the college level (as well as college-bound high school seniors) to join in a major scholarship contest that is part of NPG’s 40th anniversary celebration. At stake …

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Is Fracking an Answer? To What?

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version box size=”large”Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking” in the popular literature; “fracing” in some technical journals) is a technique for expanding gas and oil production. It is dramatically raising expectations for future gas and oil production, and technological optimists are hailing it as the answer to fears of a decline in world fossil energy production. …

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