
Search result for: “environment”

For Educators and Students

  • May 13, 2013

NPG continues to strive toward our primary objective: educating American citizens and legislators about the devastating effects of overpopulation. One of the most important avenues is our nation’s classrooms, where we aim to inspire young minds to examine population growth in both the United States. Each year we offer Teacher’s Packets, always available free of charge to educators, that include Student Fact …

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Our Staff

  • May 12, 2013

Donald Mann, President (1922-2021) Don graduated in June 1943 from Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT with a degree in liberal arts. He spent the next three years as an officer in the Navy amphibious forces in World War II. After the war he pursued graduate studies, first at Columbia University (philosophy) and then at l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques (economics) in Paris. His …

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Our Vision

  • May 11, 2013

More than 6.5 billion people have been added to our planet since 1900 when an estimated 1.5 billion occupied our small planet. Some project world population could exceed 10.4 billion by 2100, if we don’t destroy the planet before then. These huge increases, coupled with sharply rising levels of resource consumption and economic activity in the more prosperous nations, that …

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In Current Immigration Reform Proposals, Congress Ignores US Population Growth

Alexandria, VA (April 29, 2013) – With the recent draft release of the Senate’s immigration reform bill, Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann finds great concern with SB 744 and its effects on U.S. population size and growth. In a new NPG publication, Mann’s organization comments that it “believes that this bill, as drafted, would be a major, transformative …

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Revisiting the Chesapeake Bay
The Effect of Population Growth on America’s Largest Estuary

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The once-acclaimed program to restore the Chesapeake Bay has fallen short of every hopeful ambition. For three decades the Bay’s fundamental declines have barely budged, despite billions of dollars spent on cleanup efforts by the federal government and six states that share the 64,000-square-mile Chesapeake watershed. And many experts feel that if …

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How Much should we Worry About Fracking?

A huge divide is developing across America as citizens are choosing sides on the use of hydraulic fracking to extract huge quantities of oil and gas. If you live in a state where the push is on to embrace fracking as a means to greatly increase output of fossil fuels, you are probably well aware of the pros and cons being advanced …

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Little Known Presidential Population Leadership

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Those of us familiar with the issue of U.S. population growth are well-acquainted with seeing it summarily ignored by each successive White House administration. Less commonly known are the presidents who initiated studies which led, in some cases, toward policy innovation and broader discussion of the issue of population growth. In this …

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