
Search result for: “environment”

Ecological Economist Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: A Persuasive Road Map to a Steady-State Economy (NPG Book Review)

Looking back on 2013, my pick for the most useful and incisive book on our lethal addiction to economic growth and the alternative of a steady-state economy is Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Cross Roads and the Steady-State solution (New Society Publishers, 2013, 389 pages). If you are among the millions of Americans concerned about the destructive …

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NPG Publications

  • November 18, 2013

NPG promotes our goal to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth through a wide variety of educational and publications programs.  Our programs provide the solid information, insightful analysis, and practical policy prescriptions necessary to understand the complex population issues facing our country and effectively implement solutions.  The oldest and largest publisher of original source materials in the U.S. …

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What NPG Stands For

  • November 18, 2013

NPG is a national non-profit membership organization founded in 1972.  Our primary purpose is to educate the American public and elected officials regarding the damaging effects of overpopulation on our nation’s environment, resources, and quality of life.  NPG advocates a smaller, truly sustainable United States population accomplished through education, access to healthcare, two child families, and legislative action to end …

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Fracking on the Rise – But Not Without a Fight

The Washington Post recently reported that the Obama administration has approved a new proposal for natural gas exports, this time off the coast of Maryland.  The recent advent of “fracking” as a drilling method has resulted in a dramatic increase in requests to explore, drill, and push for domestic production.  As Lindsey Grant explained in Is Fracking an Answer?  To What?:  “Hydraulic …

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NPG President: Population Pressures Demand That U.S. Renounce Cherished Goal of Economic Growth

Alexandria, VA – There is a limit to how fast and how far the American economy can grow – and we’re approaching it soon. That’s the message Negative Population Growth’s president, Donald Mann, has posted on the organization’s website, Mann, who has headed up NPG since its founding in 1972, is advocating that the U.S. start moving toward a …

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