
Search result for: “environment”

NPG’s Earth Day Message: Population Must Be Top Environmental Concern

Declares Population Level of 450 Million will Wipe Out Environmental Gains Alexandria, VA (April 22, 2010)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann called on America’s elected leaders and policymakers today to use the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day to make a commitment to a national population policy that will rein-in population growth. Mann noted that failure to make population growth …

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The Environmental Future – How Do We Get There From Here?

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Forging and maintaining a sustainable society is The Challenge for this and all generations to come. At this point in history, no nation has managed to evolve into a sustainable society. We are all pursuing a self destructive course of fueling our economies by drawing down our natural capital – that is …

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The Population-Environment Connection: Who Makes It?

Compiled by NPG, this listing details the official population and migration positions of 29 national environmental and population organizations such as the Sierra Club, National Audubon Society, The Wilderness Society and Zero Population Growth. Contact information for each organization is included as well. Download a PDF of the full report here.

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Immigration and U.S. Population Growth: An Environmental Perspective

Controversy over U.S. immigration policy is by no means new to the political landscape.  Since 1819, when Congress passed the first significant law regulating immigration into the United States, successive debates over immigration have stirred emotions and polarized perceptions.  It is not surprising, then, to find that environmentalists, confronted by the issue with increasing frequency, are by no means in …

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