
Search result for: “energy”

NPG Teacher Packets Arrive in Classrooms Across America

America’s teachers are enthusiastically requesting Negative Population Growth’s 2022 Teacher Packets to facilitate classroom discussions on U.S. population size and growth. NPG is pleased to share that the information has been updated to reflect new data from the 2020 Census and also that this educational resource continues to be free to teachers nationwide.

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Rivers are Shrinking

For a lot of people, the weather outside is hot, dry, and getting worse by the day. In multiple regions around the world, rivers are changing while the human-caused climate crisis continues to worsen.

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Every year, NPG highlights the importance of Earth Overshoot Day. We also use the opportunity to stress how population size and growth must be a prominent part of any conversation about environmental sustainability and encourage more environmental organizations to fully recognize this. Human population is relevant. If our numbers continue to increase, we have no hope of ever preserving our natural resources or protecting our environment indefinitely into the future.

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Climate Change and Idling Cars, What’s the Connection?

When climate change comes up in conversation, there’s bound to be a mixed reaction. One person may seek to brush it off, saying things like, “I think everything is fine,” and, “that kind of thing won’t happen.” Alternately another person might say, “It is vastly concerning, and we need to focus on solutions as soon as possible.” Within both groups, each individual would likely own a car, and climate change is propelled by pollutants – like the exhaust from a running vehicle.

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