
Search result for: “water”

Ecological Economist Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: A Persuasive Road Map to a Steady-State Economy (NPG Book Review)

Looking back on 2013, my pick for the most useful and incisive book on our lethal addiction to economic growth and the alternative of a steady-state economy is Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Cross Roads and the Steady-State solution (New Society Publishers, 2013, 389 pages). If you are among the millions of Americans concerned about the destructive …

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Fracking on the Rise – But Not Without a Fight

The Washington Post recently reported that the Obama administration has approved a new proposal for natural gas exports, this time off the coast of Maryland.  The recent advent of “fracking” as a drilling method has resulted in a dramatic increase in requests to explore, drill, and push for domestic production.  As Lindsey Grant explained in Is Fracking an Answer?  To What?:  “Hydraulic …

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NPG Poster Scholarship Contest

  • September 24, 2013

Winners of the 2019 Fall Student Poster Scholarship Contest 2019 Challenge: Create a visual art poster to illustrate the comprehensive theme of TOO MANY PEOPLE, with the focus on one or more of the following areas:  population growth, overpopulation, urban sprawl, loss of valuable farmland and wetlands, limited water supplies, energy shortages, air pollution, or destruction of wildlife habitat.   Click on each …

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