
Search result for: “energy”

A New Tutorial on Wind Farms

At the end of 2012, the European market boasted 55 offshore wind farms and the U.S. had absolutely none. The question arises: “What’s the holdup?” There are a wide variety of answers to that inquiry. However, many are cleared up by’s new report, titled “Where Do I Put My Offshore Wind Farm?,” a two-page synopsis on the present status …

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Little Known Presidential Population Leadership

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Those of us familiar with the issue of U.S. population growth are well-acquainted with seeing it summarily ignored by each successive White House administration. Less commonly known are the presidents who initiated studies which led, in some cases, toward policy innovation and broader discussion of the issue of population growth. In this …

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The Southwest: Ground-Zero for Global Warming

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Experts warn that the American Southwest will be the part of the nation hit first, worst and hardest by global warming. But the desert Southwest— what author Wallace Stegner called “the dry core of the West”—could face a civilization-breaking water crisis even without global warming. There is insufficient water for the current …

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William Davison – One of 2012’s $1,000 Scholarship Essay Winners

ws_table id=”3″ By William Davison Reviewing the facts associated with the population growth in America produces alarming thoughts about the future of this country. Without a dramatic change in the rate of growth, the United States could be headed for many difficulties. The country will experience negative impacts socially, environmentally and economically. Education is one area that will see a dramatic …

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Happy Days are Here Again?

There has been a welter of celebratory stories in the popular press claiming that, because of the advent of fracking, our energy problems are over, that we are on the way to ending our dependence on foreign energy sources, and that – as a consequence – any worries about the limits to growth and the transition from fossil fuels are no longer relevant. I will present a less ecstatic analysis.1

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The Meaning of Sustainability

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Background on Sustainabilty In the 1960s and 1970s, it became apparent to many thoughtful individuals that global populations, rates of resource use and environmental degradation were all increasing so rapidly that these increases would soon encounter the limits imposed by the finite productivity of the global ecosphere and the geological availability of …

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Negative Population Growth Marks 40th Anniversary

Founder Lauds Accomplishments and Outlines Challenges Alexandria, VA (March 26, 2012) – Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann has heralded the group’s 40th Anniversary this spring with a call for all Americans to pressure their elected leaders to slow and halt the nation’s fast-rising population numbers before they spin out of control and cause massive economic, social and environmental …

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