
Search result for: “energy”

Ecological Economist Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: A Persuasive Road Map to a Steady-State Economy (NPG Book Review)

Looking back on 2013, my pick for the most useful and incisive book on our lethal addiction to economic growth and the alternative of a steady-state economy is Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Cross Roads and the Steady-State solution (New Society Publishers, 2013, 389 pages). If you are among the millions of Americans concerned about the destructive …

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Fracking on the Rise – But Not Without a Fight

The Washington Post recently reported that the Obama administration has approved a new proposal for natural gas exports, this time off the coast of Maryland.  The recent advent of “fracking” as a drilling method has resulted in a dramatic increase in requests to explore, drill, and push for domestic production.  As Lindsey Grant explained in Is Fracking an Answer?  To What?:  “Hydraulic …

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NPG Poster Scholarship Contest

  • September 24, 2013

Winners of the 2019 Fall Student Poster Scholarship Contest 2019 Challenge: Create a visual art poster to illustrate the comprehensive theme of TOO MANY PEOPLE, with the focus on one or more of the following areas:  population growth, overpopulation, urban sprawl, loss of valuable farmland and wetlands, limited water supplies, energy shortages, air pollution, or destruction of wildlife habitat.   Click on each …

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Notable Papers and Articles

  • September 19, 2013

We understand that the issues we study here at NPG are complex and multifaceted. We believe there is a great deal of valuable information to be gained from other voices in the field, and so it is with great enthusiasm that we spotlight the work of others in this section.  We invite readers to open their minds and explore the …

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  • September 1, 2013

What is NPG? What is overpopulation? What does “negative” population growth mean? Why is population growth a problem in the United States? What size does NPG believe America should be? What about the world? What does NPG propose as a solution to the problem of U.S. population growth? Is NPG in favor of a mandatory one-child family size, like in China? …

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Climate Change and the U.S. Infrastructure

A new report released by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) expresses serious concerns about the current state of our nation’s energy sector.  The report, U.S. Energy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Extreme Weather, focuses on the dangerous strain currently on America’s system of energy resources. A July 11th article in The New York Times (“Climate Change Will Cause …

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