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NPG Responds to Current Congressional Debate Over Immigration Reform

In response to the current debates in Congress regarding DACA, funding for a border wall, and reforms to chain migration ...
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Growth in the Chesapeake Bay

Recent articles in Politico and the Bay Journal have called attention to the significant environmental stress within the Chesapeake Bay ...
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EPA Ruling Echoes NPG Forum Paper

Last year, new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations limited “toxic water pollution from power plants,” in an effort to protect ...
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Reforming Birthright Citizenship Survey

Take NPG’s new survey TODAY! If we are going to win the battle against ever-increasing illegal immigration, we have to ...
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NPG in the National News!

June 13, 2016 Just last week, NPG issued a new national Press Release featuring our latest Forum paper.  The new ...
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Houston Floods Worsened by Population Growth

A recent news story from the Associated Press described how “…the nation’s 4th-largest city is being overwhelmed with more frequent ...
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U.S. Supreme Court Will Rule Soon on White House Executive Amnesty

Months after announcing it would hear the landmark immigration case United States v. Texas, it is expected that the U.S ...
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Population Update: Flint Water Crisis

In recent months, Americans from coast to coast have been watching the tragedy unfold in Flint, Michigan. It has been ...
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CDC Data Shows Increasing U.S. Fertility Rates

The final 2014 birth rate report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) revealed new data on U.S. fertility trends ...
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Climate Change and Winter Storm Jonas

Is it possible that climate change contributed to this devastating storm? As thousands of communities – and up to 85 ...