PEAK OIL 2005 (NPG Footnote)
For years, it has been puzzling to see commentators debating whether peak oil is a future possibility, when the U.S. Energy Information Administration (DOE/ EIA) data showed world crude oil production peaking in 2005.
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NPG’s Earth Day Message: Population Must Be Top Environmental Concern
April 22, 2010
Press Releases
Declares Population Level of 450 Million will Wipe Out Environmental Gains Alexandria, VA (April 22, 2010)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann called on America’s elected leaders and policymakers today to use the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day to make a commitment to a national population policy that will rein-in population growth. Mann noted that failure to make population growth …
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The Great Silence: U.S. Population Policy
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version My attention was called recently to a Department of State position paper that said simply that “The U.S. does not endorse population ‘stabilization’ or ‘control.’ The ‘ideal’ family size should be determined by the desires of couples, not governments.” That is not just a major retrograde step; it is a particularly bad …
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Few people have as much sympathy as I do for the people of Haiti, especially for the children, for I saw their desperate plight years before the earthquake.
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Immigration Reform and America’s Unchosen Future
Dr. Otis Graham, a venerable public historian with an impressive body of work on the eras of the progressive movement and The New Deal, ranks as the nation’s premier…
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Immigration and America’s Unchosen Future
Read the entire paper, download a PDF version Immigration and America’s Unchosen Future America Headed in the Wrong Direction The first decade of the twenty-first century brought the United States a mix of conflicting and mostly unsettling indicators of where the nation was headed, and public opinion polls registered a steady increase in pessimism. Presidential candidates in 2008 encountered a public …
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Book Review – 2045: A Story of Our Future (NPG Book Review)
B O O K R E V I E W On Track to Dystopia 2045: A Story of Our Future, by Peter Seidel; Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY, 2009; ISBN 978-1-59102-705-8 An environmental architect and planner and longtime population activist, Peter Seidel has written a troubling work of speculative fiction about environmental and social conditions in the U.S. and …
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Nothing gets people’s attention more than being elected President of the United States.
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Population Policy for a Depression
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The country is presently absorbed in the financial crisis. We have, as usual, pretty well forgotten all the other issues that had been or should have been worrying us: fossil energy decline and the coming energy transition; climate change and its impacts; a growing water crisis; threats to U.S. food production; the …
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NPG Launches Area-Wide Educational Project to Help Save the Chesapeake Bay
January 23, 2009
Press Releases
Alexandria, VA (1/23/09): Negative Population Growth, the nation’s premier population-focused organization, has launched a new “Chesapeake Bay Project” dedicated to focusing students’ attention on the Chesapeake Bay’s deteriorating environment. The new program is designed to serve as both an educational project and a “call to action” for students to get involved in pressuring federal, state and local leaders to produce …
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