
The UN 2010 Population Projections: A Proposal

The United Nations Population Division on May 3rd released its 2010 world population projections. The study is the best available collection of current world demographic data, but the projections, as usual, are something of a parlor game. They involve questionable and highly optimistic assumptions about fertility and mortality. They ignore other studies that identify external forces that will shape population growth. They assume political …

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NPG Applauds Supreme Court Decision on E-Verify

Encourages more State Legislatures to Take the Lead on Fighting the War Against Illegal Immigration Alexandria, VA (May 27, 2011)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann has highly praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s action in Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting which upheld Arizona’s law that allows the state to suspend the licenses of businesses for hiring workers without confirming their legal presence …

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Australia Considers a Population Policy: Any Lessons for a Drifting USA?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Australia has created a Ministry of Sustainable Population and is nearing the end of a yearlong high-level review of its population strategy. These initiatives since 2009 came in the midst of public concerns about increasing urban congestion and about 2009 demographic projections showing population growing by more than 60 percent by 2050 – to 35 million. The preliminary findings from the …

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The Apolcalypse is on Schedule

… or perhaps ahead of schedule. Climate change is the popular topic, and there are multiple news reports of the accelerated pace of change: the melting Arctic ice cap; the sudden and erratic increase in run-off from Greenland’s glaciers; the breakup of the Ross ice shelf in the Antarctic; the droughts of 2005 and 2010 in the Amazon; the storms …

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All in the Family: Preferences for Relatives Drive U.S. Immigration and Population Growth

By Jessica Vaughan Introduction and Key Findings The United States has just concluded the largest decade of immigration in its history. From 2000-2009 more than 10 million legal immigrants settled here.1 This surpasses the levels of both the early 20th century, which for a long time was the high water mark of immigration to the United States, and the 1990s, …

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NPG Condemns Lame-Duck Action on Amnesty

Declares Voter by Defeated Members of Congress to be an “Insult to Democracy” Alexandria, VA (November 16, 2010)—Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann called on Congressional leaders to put off any vote on immigration reform until January 2011 when the newly elected members of the 112th Congress take office. Working to derail a move by Senate Majority Leader Harry …

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