Two White Hats (NPG Footnote)
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Money talks, very loud, in American politics. I have pointed out before that American immigration policy is largely set by entrepreneurs seeking cheap labor, not because most people want it.1 In fairness, however, let me say that there is a substantial body of immigration advocates who believe, quite sincerely, that unchecked immigration …
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For 40 Years We've Shared the Same Goals!
February 5, 2012
This ad appeared in E The Environment Magazine – Jan/Feb 2012, Harper Magazine – Jan 2012 and Utne Reader – Jan/Feb 2012.
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For 40 Years We’ve Shared the Same Goals!
February 5, 2012
This ad appeared in E The Environment Magazine – Jan/Feb 2012, Harper Magazine – Jan 2012 and Utne Reader – Jan/Feb 2012.
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The Sources of Unemployment
If over the past three decades the United States had deliberately set out to create unemployment, it could hardly have done a more thorough job. The sources of the problem lie in our immigration policy, foreign trade policy, the failure to deal with rising productivity, and our reliance on public and private debt. I will suggest specific solutions. They require a fundamental change in our national thinking to recognize that go-go economic growth is no longer possible at this stage in history.
Our present unemployment problem is not transitory, and it is not confined to the United States. It is much more intense in many countries, particularly the poorest ones, and that in turn will lead to more intense migratory pressures. The more prosperous countries – not just the United States – will need the discipline to match their populations and their policies to their job opportunities, their resources and their food supply. They will need to develop and enforce effective controls over migration, trade and debt to survive amidst unprecedented challenges.
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Is Fracking an Answer? To What?
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version box size=”large”Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking” in the popular literature; “fracing” in some technical journals) is a technique for expanding gas and oil production. It is dramatically raising expectations for future gas and oil production, and technological optimists are hailing it as the answer to fears of a decline in world fossil energy production. …
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Open Appeal to Congress: Take Back Your Constitutional Role In Making America’s Immigration Laws!
September 28, 2011
This ad appeared in The Washington Times, September 2011
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We Demand Congressional Action!
August 28, 2011
This ad appeared in The Hill, October 2011
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The End of Growth
August 9, 2011
Recommended Reading
Thanks to Bill Ryerson of the Population Media Center for forwarding this informative summary of Richard Heinberg’s new book, “The End of Growth.” Bestselling author Richard Heinberg has a new book, “The End of Growth.” Richard Heinberg, one of the world’s foremost Peak Oil educators and best-selling authors, has just published his latest book, The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New …
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Help Us Win the Battle Against Soaring Immigration Numbers
July 30, 2011
This ad appeared in The Washington Times National Weekly, July 2011
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More Students Speak Out…NPG’s Annual Scholarship Contest Winners
July 28, 2011
This ad appeared in E The Environmental Magazine, July/August 2011
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