Bailey Cassidy – One of 2012’s $1,000 Scholarship Essay Winners
July 1, 2012
Scholarship 2012
ws_table id=”3″ Projected Population Growth: A Negative Prospect in Need of ControlBy Bailey Cassidy The population of the United States is projected to reach 438 million within the next 40 years if no critical changes are made. This is an alarming statistic considering the current population is approximately 312 million and already struggling to distribute scarce resources amongst all the people …
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Sarah Abohana – One of 2012’s $1,000 Scholarship Essay Winners
July 1, 2012
Scholarship 2012
ws_table id=”3″ By Sarah Abohana “O beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain…” very few songs symbolize our country better than the words of “America the Beautiful,” a song written in the 1890s which was heard then by a population of about 63,000,000 Americans (Census of Population and Housing, Much has changed since the 1890s. Our country has …
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Corey Gier – One of 2012’s $1,000 Scholarship Essay Winners
July 1, 2012
Scholarship 2012
ws_table id=”3″ An Underestimated IssueBy Corey Gier Poverty. Health Care. Economic Instability. All of these are issues that the people of the United States are readily aware of. There will always be problems existing in our country. But a problem that is not commonly considered is the one concerning our steadily growing population. Many negative effects socially, economically, and environmentally are …
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Cheryl Gaul – One of 2012′s $1,000 Scholarship Essay Winners
July 1, 2012
Scholarship 2012
ws_table id=”3″ By Cheryl Gaul Have you ever seen the stars? I mean truly seen the stars, with no light pollution inhibiting your view? I had not until last year, when my father and I backpacked in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. At night, the stars shone with a clarity I had never before thought possible. For sixteen years, I had viewed …
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Alison Tuch – $2,500 Winner of the 2012 Essay Scholarship
July 1, 2012
Scholarship 2012
ws_table id=”3″ By Alison Tuch The subject of population growth has always been important to me. I was born in Richmond, Virginia and have lived in the area my entire life. I have seen many negative changes in Chesterfield County, where I grew up, due to exploding growth in population. These changes range from trailers outside every school to traffic …
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President Obama’s Power Grab on the Dream Act Will Cause More Confusion for America’s Immigration Enforcement
June 30, 2012
This ad appeared in The Washington Times– June 2012
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Negative Population Growth Sees Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona as a Call to Congress to Increase the Penalties for Illegal Immigration
June 27, 2012
Press Releases
Alexandria, VA (June 27, 2012) – Negative Population Growth President Don Mann voiced disappointment over the Supreme Court’s decision Monday to overturn three of the four contested provisions of Arizona’s controversial 2010 immigration enforcement law, SB 1070. “This decision, coming in the wake of President Obama’s directive to Homeland Security to defer deportation (perhaps permanently) of some 1.4 million illegal …
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NPG Condemns Obama Immigration Order
June 19, 2012
Press Releases
Asserts that Rigorous Deportation Program is Essential Element in an Effective Immigration Policy Alexandria, VA (June 19, 2012) – Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Donald Mann forcefully denounced the Obama Administration’s new policy that will immediately stop deportations and start granting work permits for hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants now in the U.S. Mann criticized President Obama’s actions …
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It’s Taken 40 Years to Get This Far…40 More Years May be too Late!
June 5, 2012
This ad appeared in Utne Reader and E-the Environmental Magazine – May/June 2012.
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2012 Student Poster Contest Winners
May 25, 2012
NPG is happy to announce the winners of our 2012 Student Poster Contest. Of the hundreds of posters submitted from very talented and perceptive students from across the country, our team of judges, consisting of NPG staff and advisors, determined these posters to be the very best of the entries. We greatly appreciate everyone’s participation in this effort, from the …
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