The NPG Journal: Vol. 6, No. 9
- October 21, 2013
- NPG Journal
A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues.
A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues.
Alexandria, VA – An analysis by Negative Population Growth (NPG) of California’s new immigration laws finds that they will increase population growth, both nationally and in California. Enacted in October, the laws further shield illegal aliens from federal enforcement and grant them added incentives to remain – and for others to come. NPG President Don Mann noted that the analysis …
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The federal government in Washington may be loathe to make population policy, but California’s governor and legislature have shown by their latest enactments on immigration that they have no problem at all with that. Making Population Policy in the Largest State The lawmakers’ priority concern appears to be that the state …
NPG is pleased to recommend Breaking New Ground: A Personal History, the autobiography of global environmental activist Lester Brown. Praised by the Washington Post as “one of the world’s most influential thinkers,” he is the winner of multiple honorary awards and has published several works on the global environmental movement. Brown’s efforts – including his founding of both the Worldwatch …
(that is to say an exceptional occurrence)
It is apparently extremely difficult for the general public, as well as for our decision makers and opinion leaders, to grasp (or wrap their heads around as the saying goes these days) the idea that economic …
Originally published in 1998, NPG has revised and republished Overpopulation and Overconsumption: Where Should We Focus? by Michael G. Hanauer. This paper offers a strong argument for U.S. population reduction, which still rings true today. Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version. Overpopulation and Overconsumption: Where Should We Focus? An NPG Forum Paper by Michael G. Hanauer We Have So Many Choices There …
A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues.
The Growing Problem of Population Growth
Introduction It was an invasion! As I watched from the comfort of my small home, the earthmovers and bulldozers encroached upon Gaston County’s last dairy farm. The infinite powers at city hall and in the corporate world of land development had determined that …
Noel, Missouri is small, but it occupies a huge part of my heart. My great-great-grandfather was the town’s first sheriff, and my great-grandfather was the mayor. I spent childhood summers there, canoeing on the Elk River, exploring the bluffs and caves, and enjoying peaceful walks in the woods. Noel was always quiet. …
Hardly a day goes by when a report on the world’s ruinous finances isn’t mentioned. Scary phrases like “fiscal cliff” and threats of economic Armageddon are common. I find it ironic that so much emphasis is being put on people living within their financial budget, but no thought is ever given to living within the earth’s budget. …