
Why We Need A Smaller U.S. Population And How We Can Achieve It (An NPG Position Paper)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version This paper was originally published in July 1992, some 22 years ago when our population was 256 million. In that short space of time our population, now 320 million, increased by 64 million, an astonishing 25% growth in a little over two decades, or roughly 30 million per decade. The problem is …

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NPG Forum Paper Marks the 50th Anniversary of Transformative 1965 Immigration Act

NPG Forum Paper Marks the 50th Anniversary of Transformative 1965 Immigration Act Authors examine how the 1965 Act – a vast social experiment with unforeseen consequences – revived mass immigration and fueled U.S. population growth. View this release on PRWeb This NPG News Release was picked up by 159 media outlets across the country – including every major television network – …

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State of the Union Address: Touting More Growth with More People

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version State of the Union Address:  Touting More Growth with More People An NPG Forum Paper by David Simcox February 2015 INTRODUCTION The President’s annual laundry-listing State of the Union address on January 20, 2015 has already been parsed and probed for advantages and potential traps by major media, political think tanks, interest …

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