
Deputy Director's Corner: Is America finally listening?

Deputy Director’s Corner Is America finally listening? If you haven’t read it already, I encourage you to review Paul A. Murtaugh’s strong Op-Ed in The New York Times titled “Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb Argument Was Right.” Murtaugh, an associate statistics professor at Oregon State, strongly refuted The Times’ recent Retro Report called “The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion.“ Thankfully, Murtaugh …

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NPG Immigration Fact Sheet: What You Need to Know

With so many headlines about immigration – border security, unemployment, amnesty – it’s hard to know what the real story is. NPG is a non-profit organization focused on U.S. population growth and its effects on our nation’s environment, economy, and natural resources. For NPG, immigration is …

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An Open Appeal to the 114th Congress

This Ad appeared in The Washington Times on Monday May 18, 2015. AN OPEN APPEAL TO THE 114TH CONGRESS MAKE SURE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WIN ON IMMIGRATION! Studies show that over 80% of our nation’s future population growth will be tied to immigration. That alarming fact underscores why today’s national debate on immigration is so important. With more than 320 …

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Concerned About The Environmental Future of the Country?

This Ad appearing in 2015 USA TODAY: National Parks Guide- Digital Edition, available June 15, 2015. Concerned About The Environmental Future of the Country? The best way to protect our nation from greater environmental damage is to reduce our population size and growth. U.S. population now exceeds 320 million people and we are on track to add another 80 million …

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New NPG Forum Paper: Population Pressures on Soils Threaten Food Security
Analysis of human population growth and agricultural trends shows another vital natural resource is disappearing: fertile soil for food production.
After a January 2015 article in the journal Geology revealed that human activity is eroding soil “100 times faster” than …

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NPG Republishes Cornerstone U.S. Population Policy Document

NPG Republishes Cornerstone U.S. Population Policy Document NPG’s outline for a national population policy for U.S. to avert projected 416 million people by 2060. This press release was picked up by 167 news outlets across the country, including all major television networks.  Together, NPG’s message was distributed to a prospective audience of nearly 144 million Americans. Click here for a …

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