Deputy Directors Corner
Tracy Henke
April 7, 2016
Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at In the past month, there seems to have been a flurry of activity in Congress surrounding immigration and population issues. Thankfully, not all of the action has been a blow to those of us concerned with U.S. population growth! On March 14th, U.S. Representative Raul …
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2016 Star Spangled Election Campaign Issues
April 4, 2016
This ad appearing in The Washington Times on April 4th, 2016. With so much media attention on the Presidential election, the candidates are talking about many of America’s everyday issues. We’re hearing some serious debate about family planning, the environment, national security, jobs, immigration… But there’s one issue no one is talking about, and it’s actually the common link between …
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CDC Data Shows Increasing U.S. Fertility Rates
March 31, 2016
NPG Commentary
The final 2014 birth rate report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) revealed new data on U.S. fertility trends. According to the report, there were 3,988,076 births registered in the U.S. in 2014 – an increase of 1% from the year before. The report also highlighted: “The general fertility rate rose slightly to 62.9 per 1,000 women aged 15-44, …
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Deputy Directors Corner
March 22, 2016
Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at Last week, a short piece on Northeast Public Radio caught my attention. Author and Albany Law School professor Stephen Gottlieb notes: “one of the ways in which we are making our earth unsustainable for human life is the population explosion. …That makes population policy a …
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NPG Launches New Short Video Series Exploring U.S. Population Growth
March 14, 2016
Press Releases
NPG Launches New Short Video Series Exploring U.S. Population Growth Each film covers a unique aspect: sources of growth, sprawl and development, and environmental damage. View this release on PRWeb This press release was picked up by hundreds of news outlets across the country, including The Miami Herald, The Boston Globe, Star Tribune, and International Business Times. Together, NPG’s message …
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The Effects Of Growth: Environmental Damage
March 13, 2016
NPG Videos
In this third video of the new series, NPG analyzes the effects of U.S. population growth – specifically when it comes to irreversible damage to our fragile environment. We break down the complex topic into bite-sized pieces, so that the average American can gain a better understanding of the true impact of our nation’s growth. The film answers important questions …
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Deputy Director’s Corner
Tracy Henke
March 10, 2016
Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at A dedicated NPG member recently sent me an interesting article from Forbes. The article discusses this year’s annual letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In his portion of the letter, Bill Gates comments extensively on a new mathematical formula – one he developed …
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The Negative Economic Impact of Immigration on American Workers
We are a nation of immigrants: except for American Indians, we or our ancestors left other countries for a better life in the United States. For much of our history, immigration was good for the economy. Compared to Europe, the U.S. was well endowed with land and capital but relatively short of labor. By populating the frontier, increasing the size of the market economy, and adding valuable skills and expertise to the native workforce, successive waves of foreign workers enhanced the living standards of earlier immigrants as well as their U.S.-born children…
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New NPG Paper Shows Negative Economic Impact of U.S. Immigration
March 8, 2016
Press Releases
New NPG Paper Shows Negative Economic Impact of U.S. Immigration Expert analysis reveals the “biggest losers” of mass immigration are America’s poor and middle class. View this release on PRWeb This press release was picked up by hundreds of news outlets across the country, including The Star Tribune, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, and The Sun News. Together, NPG’s …
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NPG Video Series: The Effects Of Growth: Sprawl & Development
February 29, 2016
NPG Videos
In this second video of the new series, NPG analyzes the effects of U.S. population growth – specifically when it comes to urban sprawl and over-development. We break down the complex topic into bite-sized pieces, so that the average American can gain a better understanding of the true impact of our nation’s growth. The film answers important questions -covering topics …
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